Someone is Watching You

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2 Responses

  1. joe says:

    Hi Arthur. As you probably already know. This is an immature Robin. You can tell by the spots on its chest, which make it part of the Thrush family. You should check out to see what interesting birds are where and when. Also on Sundays at 9: 30 AM. there is a bird show on 950 AM Radio called talkinBirds without the “g”. I subscribe to it on Facebook. It is only 30 minutes long. You can go to its web page and listen to previous shows. Do not forget to go to the Ipswich Audubon Sanctuary. Besides seeing many different birds. Chickadees, Titmouse, and Nuthatches will eat Sunflower seeds out of your hand.

  2. achidlovski says:

    Thanks, Joe! I plan to go to Ipswich either Friday or Sunday. Looking forward to it!!!!

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