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37 Responses

  1. buzz_aldrin says:


  2. nikstutas says:

    Ну вот как я смог это бегло прочитать и всё понять, не зная половины слов? ))

    Ну почти половины)))

    • achidlovski says:

      С 43-й годовщиной Суперсерии-72!

      • nikstutas says:

        С праздником! С великим хоккеем.!!!

      • Frank says:

        Awesome.. Just watched it again on Netflix and I loved loved it.. Phil E was quite the leader it seems and Henderson’s impression to be a visionary. I met him in Toronto and froze all I could say was NICE GOAL.. its all I wanted to say but now I wish I could have said thank you.

        I am all about Canada and have my slop itch team which is proudly named the Canadians with ref to Team Canada.

        Thank you for this web site.


  3. Frank says:

    Awesome.. Just watched it again on Netflix and I loved loved it.. Phil E was quite the leader it seems and Henderson’s impression to be a visionary. I met him in Toronto and froze all I could say was NICE GOAL.. its all I wanted to say but now I wish I could have said thank you.

    I am all about Canada and have my slop itch team which is proudly named the Canadians with ref to Team Canada.

    Thank you for this web site.


  4. Brent says:

    Thank you for this great site…Game One was the first Hockey Game I ever watched on tv.


  5. Max says:


    a big hello from Italy.
    just discovered you beautiful hockey site.
    Thank you for sharing all of those info.

    Just a silly question: how the rosters/lines must be read in your pages?
    first is the golie, then a defenseman, then separated by a dash other 2 players … please help me . 🙂


    Best Regards

  6. Keith says:

    Great site. I was wondering if you had more detailed information on the games played before the 1980 winter olympics, from 9/8/79 – 2/9/80? I see you have the goals listed but do you have the assists and penalty minutes as well? Also, do you have any detailed information on Vladimir Myshkin 1979-80 stats? The only thing I can find is the number of games played but nothing else. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  7. bill says:

    I was hoping you can help, where the cccp and numbers sewn on or was it a dye sublimate, and do you know who made them.

    thanks for your time bill

  8. Jon M says:

    I’m trying to track down the name of the person in the attached picture. Someone thought it might be a Russian hockey coach. Do you know? Appreciate anything you can share — this is for a trivia contest.

  9. Stephane Bisson says:


    Do you have shots by game for each team for the summit series of 1974 ?


  10. Mark says:


    I am a big fan of your research and websites covering early era Soviet hockey players. I am part of a research draft called the “All-Time Draft”, and was wondering if you have any more information regarding Kuzkin or davydov.


  11. L. Mclean says:

    The series turned out pretty much as as I would have predicted at the time. I was a big fan of international hockey in those days and was surprised at the overconfidence of the Canadian players and fans. I wasn’t aware of Bobby Clarks stunt at the time or his reason for doing it but it has since changed my opinion of the NHL and that style of hockey. The USSR would have won that series with a healthy Kharlamov and I believe it would have done more for the sport than all the millionaires associated with it today.

  12. Ben says:

    Hi Arthur,

    I’m one of the writers at Behind the Net blog, and I’ve been doing some writing on the Soviet League lately. I had a question that maybe you’d have an answer to: who was or who were the goalie(s) for Khimik Voskresensk during the 1970s? I’m having some trouble finding that out; I have it narrowed down to Viktor Tolmachev, Aleksandr Pashkov (for sure 36 games in 1976-77 and 25 games in 1977-78), Anatoly Ragulin, and/or Viktor Krivolapov. If I can at least get an idea of what year and how many games they played for Khimik, I’d be content; anything beyond that would be awesome. Hope you can help,



  13. Aldo Pallisco says:

    Dear Sir ,

    I am emailing you to let you know that I think your website is excellent !!

    The 1972 Canada USSR Series is something that I will never forget.

    Please see attached photos of a hockey stick that I have had since 1972. It contains the signatures of the Team Canada players .

    I am considering selling it for personal reasons.

    Are you aware of anyone that may want this priceless hockey stick ? I am considering putting it on EBAY , but wanted to check with you first.

    Thank you kindly

  14. Jan says:

    Hi Arthur,

    thanks for nice website about Summit Series 1972. I am big fan of summit series. I am trying to find a complete games on DVD or in AVI online. There are all games from 1972, but I can not find a complete games from 1974. Do you please any idea, where I could find them?

    Thanks a lot.

  15. Dante says:

    Hello…I got this old Russian Players Hockey stick found in a friends attic with Russian markings on it with I think the players name on it but it is in Russian…I am fowarding pictures of it in hopes maybey you can tell me who the player is and when he played…team etc. Thanks

  16. Victor Beyer says:


    I just wanted to e-mail you and thank you personally for sharing your research on the Internet.

    The content of your website is truly amazing. I don’t know how many times I’ve visited or how many hours I’ve spent going through, looking at all the statistics.

    Best regards.

  17. Tom says:

    Congratulations on putting together such a great “72 Summit site. Overall, it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date site on the net. Good job!
    I have a picture of Hendersons historic goal that is signed by Henderson and Tretiak. I would like to add YURI LIAPKIN’s signature to the photo. Do you have an addres where I can contact him?
    Thank you

  18. Vlad Trklja says:

    Hello Arthur.. I love your website..

    Can you tell me where if possible I may be able to buy an old picture of either the 1972 or 1976 CCCP hockey team?? Something like a team picture or anything close to it..

    Thank you..

  19. Hearther and Wayne says:

    Arthur do you have any closeup of Orr I want to know if he had his number on his red pair of gloves?


  20. Frank Wilson says:

    Do you have or know who may have Pravda Cup(Leningrad) rosters for? I am looking for them.

    Team Canada

  21. Kristi Haugland says:


    My son was given a souvenir goalie stick with V. Tretjak and USSR printed on it. The wonderful gentleman who gave it said that they were given out to those who participated in honorary puck drops when the USSR team would visit the USA. I was just wondering if you had any information on these as we would like to write a story about it for my son. The gentleman and his wife have made a hobby of finding youngsters who are interested in hockey and following them through their playing careers. I want my son to understand this as he grows (he is only 3 now).

    Thank you

  22. David Holly says:

    Hello there…

    Just a quick comment and question on your website.

    What a cool site. Team USSR was a machine; they were the Eastern equivalent of the Montreal Canadiens.

    One question…Valery Kharlamov was elected to the Russian/Soviet Hockey Hall of Fame in 1969, way before his playing career was over. I noticed that with a few other players as well. Do you know why that is?

    Thank you for the great site. There are, or were, very few rivalries in sports as great as East vs. West.

  23. Bruce Evans says:

    Hello Arthur

    Really enjoy your 1972 Summit series hockey site…very informative !

    I am an avid collection of authentic memorabilia from that epic series .

    Do you know where I can obtain any such items ?

  24. Erik R. says:


    What a great site!

    I was wondering if the great Vladimir Petrov had any nicknames in his heyday. What about Kharlamov’s pet names?

    Best wishes

  25. François Lareau says:

    Much enjoyed your web site “The Summit in 1972”. Thanks.

  26. Craig T. Palmer says:


    Would you by any chance know the dates of the 1994 Stars of Russia charity tour in November of 1994? I especially need to know if they played the Central Red Army on November 12, 1994. I figured you might be the only person who would know. Thank you for the great web page!

  27. Steve Dear says:

    Im doing a speech on Canada-Russia 1972 and ur website really helps thanks.

  28. Helena says:

    Hello Arthur

    I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your web site. I was looking for information on the 72 Summit Series and Team Canada and your site has been the most useful!

    I have a question for you…. is the term “ 72 Summit Series” free for anyone to use? Is there a trade mark or copy right on the name?


  29. Neda Behravan says:

    Mr. Chidlovski,

    I am a diploma year International Baccalaureate student of Bayview Secondary School in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Currently, I am doing research for a paper regarding the state of Russian hockey before the fall of the Soviet Union. I am researching the Soviet hockey system post World War II, but with a heavy emphasis on anything after the 1972 Summit Series until 1991. I do not know your exact area of expertise in hockey, but I was wondering if you could assist me in my research by answering a few questions. I enjoyed visiting your site and I found the information very helpful. I hope that I can send you my questions via email.

    Please let me know if this is possible, and if you have any information that will assist me in my study. If not, I would appreciate any information about who else to talk to, and where I can contact them.

    Thank you very much

  30. Kurt NC/USA says:

    Enjoyed the site greatly…. Is there anyplace I can look at Russian hockey jerseys(National and Red Army teams) throughout the years to see what they looked like?

  31. Randy Zuk says:

    Can you tell me who assisted the game winning goal that made Paul Henderson famous.

    Thank You

  32. David says:

    Hi Arthur!
    My name is David and I was wondering how many of the players from the Soviet team in 1972 also played for them in the 1980 Olympics? I thank you for your time and your answer.

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