Kaarlo Kangasniemi in Mexico City

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2 Responses

  1. thanasis fotiou says:

    I am from Greece , and watch your wonderfull site about 10 years. it is a miracle espesially with the old athletes and the bird watching. here in greece we have a strong tradition in weightlifting and the traditional cage birds [ greenfinch, goldfinch etc. i have the honor of being president of the athletic club sporting Pileas , and have live the growth of our female athlete Harikleia Kastritsi , with trainer Dimitris Ioannidis , now head coach of paralympic weightlifting natioal team. Again congratulations

    • achidlovski says:

      Thank you so much for you kind words, Thanasis!
      10 years?!. That’s alot!
      The birds photography is a relatively new hobby of mine. I started to make pictures of the birds about 3 years ago and really enjoy it 🙂

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