And the Winners Are (90kg, Helsinki, 1952)

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2 Responses

  1. Douglas E. Heeren says:

    Awesome photo. I never saw Schemansky lift or even heard of him until I started Olympic Lifting at age 30 in 1992. My lack of mobility caused by years of slow powerlifting squats and deadlifts forced me to use the split style lifts from the start. Norb has always been a hero to me because of his story. I was very sad when he died last year.

    • achidlovski says:

      Thanks again, Douglas! Norbert Schemansky was a role model for weightlifters in North America as well as in the whole world. I grew up in Russia and remember many stories that our coach told us about U.S. weightlifters of the 1950s and 1960s. Schemansky, Kono, Davis, Anderson, brothers George, Stanczyk, Sheppard, Berger, Vinci – I am afraid for a super long reply, if I try to list all names.. but they were almost brand names in the USSR and alot of people still remember them!

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