Pokemoniacs Take Over Marblehead Neck

  • pokemon-005
  • pokemon-004
  • pokemon-003
  • pokemon-002
  • pokemon-001

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8 Responses

  1. buzz_aldrin says:

    Почему именно в парковой зоне ? Видимо есть необходимость сбора фотоинформации именно с тех участков, которые недоступны машинам Google ?

  2. Jon Ferreira says:

    Lemmings jumping of cliffs. Some think its sad but it’s part of their nature.

  3. Sue Chidlovski says:

    You are so right – Arthur and I comment on this as we w ere watching the pokemon hunters! No separate thought from the people – just all in the same process without even being aware of each other! I also liked these two pictures – reminded me of the overall look.

  4. Rick Park says:

    people are idiots…lol

  5. Joseph Guglielmo says:

    I was wondering what was going on when I sailed by

  6. Mary Kennedy says:

    My hometown

  7. Linda Thompson says:

    See how easily people, in mass, are controlled..you think its only a game?.. .its like a sport for others who like to manipulate and control people, like robots. Boy do i sound paranoid. LoL Well! Maybe a little bit true.

  8. Missy Logan says:

    Oh, Chandler Hovey park! I frequented many times in high school. It’s been too long since my last visit there. Crazy story, but thanks for the pic and the memories it brought back.

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