Tagged: Weightlifting


History in Color: 18-year old Yury Zakharevich competes at his first national championship. The original photo was taken during the 1981 USSR Championship in Novosibirsk, Russia. Zakharevich competed in the 90kg class and took...


History in Color Series: Gennady Chetin of Perm, Russia is completing the 110kg snatch lift in the 56kg class at the 1971 USSR Spatakiad Games in Moscow Gennady Chetin (1943-2002) competed in the bantamweight class....


History in Color Series: March 11, 1976: Gerd Bonk of Team DDR lifts 252.5kg and sets a new world record in clean-and-jerk in Berlin. He added 5kg to the previous record held by Vasily...