Northern Mockingbird In the Fort Heath of Winthrop
The rain was on and off all day long.
We spent the whole day on the road with a brief photo sessions in the birds’ places. The “photo session” is rather an overly generous term in trying to capture little guys on camera today.
For the most part, they really didn’t want to be photographed today.
Singing sparrows ran away from me in the marshes.
Blue jays left me as soon as they saw camera in my hands.
Cardinals politely chirped “Hello there” but refused to wait for me focusing the shot.
I guess I looked really bad in the wet shirt, wet hat, wet jeans and with a wet camera in my hands.
“What the heck…” said this little Mockingbird in the Fort Heath area. “Go for it! Up to three shots allowed!”
The cover photo is one of these three shots.
Thank you, Northern Mockingbird!