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5 Responses

  1. gerat says:

    В команде есть легионеры из России?

    • achidlovski says:

      В Чикаго россияне не играли. У Филадельфии тоже не было россиян. Играл защитник Оскарс Бартулис, но он из Латвии.

  2. buzz_aldrin says:

    А ведь буквально года 4 назад в подвале сидели.
    Но поскольку гражданин Кейн мне крайне неприятен,то не нравится мне эта команда. Но смотри какое чутье у Боумена судя по маршруту Питтсбург-Детройт-Чикаго.

    Bowman behind ‘Hawks brilliant line call?
    Scotty Bowman is still making an impact on the Stanley Cup landscape. On the flight back from Philadelphia, after losing two games and all their Stanley Cup final momentum at the Wachovia Center, Chicago Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville had the idea to hand out pieces of paper to advisor Scotty Bowman, general manager Stan Bowman, to his assistant coaches. “He said, ‘put down some lines,'” said Scotty Bowman, who sat next to Quenneville on the flight. … In making his suggestions, Bowman started with a basic premise: Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Chris Pronger — through the first four games — was dominating the ‘Hawks top line of captain Jonathan Toews and wingers Dustin Byfuglien and Patrick Kane. They needed to be broken apart so Philadelphia coach Peter Laviolette would be forced to choose against which of the three he would want to play Pronger, leaving the other two more room, perhaps.
    Toronto Sun

    • achidlovski says:

      Цитата из Торонто Сан просто класс… |
      Я не знал что разделение тройки Тэйвс было с подачи Боумена. Действительно, как показала последняя игра, это и вырвало победу сля Чикаго.
      А почему не нравится Citizen Kane? 🙂

      • buzz_aldrin says:

        Гопник он. Избил дедушку таксиста за 15 центов.

        И Детройт ненавидит
        “Living in Detroit, I actually hated the Red Wings, hated the Pistons, hated all the Detroit teams,” Kane said Friday on a conference call.

        Kane, from Buffalo, played for Detroit Honeybaked in 2003-04, then played for the U.S. National Team Development Program in Ann Arbor in 2004-06

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