Tagged: USSR

Viktor Andreev

History in Color: World records holder and national champion, Victor Andreev (1936-2000) was one of the lead Soviet super heavyweights of the 1960s. In 1967, he reached 547.5kg in total at the 136kg bodyweight...

Kanygin (CCCP)

History in Color: World champion Vladimir Kanygin, middleweight from Blagoveshchensk, Russia competes in the snatch lift at the 1971 USSR Spartakiade in Moscow. 1971 Championship of the USSR Location: Moscow Russia Weight Class: Middleweight  [75 kg]More Info On the...

Boris Selitsky: Quiz

History in Color: Olympic champion, World and European champion, USSR National and USSR Spartakiade champion, winner of the USSR Cup and world records holder, Boris Selitsky of Leningrad, Russia performs a clean-and-jerk lift. QUIZ...