Richard Schutz

:: 10/1/2016: Damon Buckner, St. Joseph MO, United States
Rich is a cool cat. Good U.S. Champion

:: 7/28/2015: jseph hernabdez, fort pierce florida, united states
would you please have a fan-mail or contact address for lifter Richard Schutz please,thanks

:: 6/26/2015: joseph hernandez, fort pierce fl., united states
is there a fan-mail address for Richard schutz please?

:: 6/26/2015: joseph hernandez, fort pierce fl., united states
is there a fan-mail address for Richard schutz please?

:: 1/25/2013: Fred Schutz, Mt. Prospect Il, United States
I am Richard's father--He was born 12/21/65---Not 1945 !!!!

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